兰圣国;字:泰山兰;号:字痴;兰馨斋:斋主;山东泰安人。生于1970年。自小受到家父的影响,并得到家父教导,从此爱上书法,坚持至今,虽无多大成就,却颇为喜好。书法可修身养性,陶冶情操!令我不能割舍!所谓学海无涯,必将终生去学习之,以我的微薄之力去宣传、弘扬、传承我们中华民族的国粹——书画文化! 习主席教育我们要不忘初心!牢记使命!不负韶华,只争朝夕! 写好中国字,做好中国人! 现为:中国教育电视台《水墨丹青》《名家讲堂》栏目签约艺术家;CETV水墨丹青书画院会员。
LanShengGuo; Words: Taishan orchid; Number: word crazy; Orchid zhai: master of the zhai; From Tai 'an, Shandong province. Born in 1970. Influenced by my father and taught by my father since childhood, I fell in love with calligraphy from then on. Although I have not made much success, I am quite fond of it. Calligraphy can cultivate morality and cultivate character, edify sentiment! I can't give up! The so-called boundless sea of learning, will be lifelong to learn, with my meager power to promote, promote, inherit our Chinese nation's quintessence - painting and calligraphy culture! President Xi has taught us to stay true to our original aspiration! Keep the mission in mind! Live up to time, seize the day! Write good Chinese characters, do a good Chinese! Currently, he is a signed artist of "Ink Painting" and "Masters Lecture" of China Education Television; CETV Member of Danqing Ink Painting Academy.
Mr. LAN Shengguo, a famous calligrapher, is a great calligrapher with profound calligraphy skills. For him, calligraphy is an artistic preference, but also the sharpening of skills. Xi is shallow, repair is deep, he to the artistic practitioner's dedication, teacher ancient sages, understand the inscription, through decades of heart chasing hand, calligraphy ancient quality ancient rhyme together pour. Start writing, calm, fang bearing, at a glance. To speak of LAN Shengguo's calligraphy, first of all, we must mention his careful observance and absorption of regular script. With Liu Kai, Yan Kai and Ou Kai as the three original post, we can learn the method of calligraphy, the way of calligraphy tendon and toughness, and the ability of calligraphy change, all of which are the essence of the three Tang Kai schools and integrate into one, so that LAN Shengguo's calligraphy is firmly stamped with the orthodox, rigorous, solemn and classical artistic background.
观赏兰圣国的诸多作品,可知兰圣国临写法帖有着形神兼备的执着!其书心不浮,书体正宗,落笔成墨,滑畅异常。兰圣国的书法里面有生而知之奋发的笔墨天性,也有学而悟之忘餐的磨砺收益。要想让书法线条的性灵表现,有飞动丰神的姿态要妙,非书性过人而不可得。所以观赏他的书法,可知书性过人再加磨砺执着,是书家成长终得实力的修行要件,其二缺一不可。 兰圣国的书法修炼,恰好与田蕴章这些以楷书功力深厚为根本的书法家一样,是传统书法修炼正道路径的执着者,他得楷书大修养,既得书法正大气象。
View LAN shengguo many works, know that LAN Shengguo in writing the law has both form and spirit of dedication! Its heart is not floating, authentic style, pen into ink, smooth abnormal. In LAN Shengguo's calligraphy, there is the nature of pen and ink, and there is also the benefit of learning and forgetting food. If you want to make the spiritual expression of calligraphy lines, there is a flying feng God posture to be wonderful, not book character. Therefore, by watching his calligraphy, we can know that it is an essential practice for a calligrapher to grow up and eventually gain strength. Both are indispensable. LAN Shengguo's calligraphy practice, just like Tian Yunzhang, a calligrapher with profound skill in regular script, is a persistent practitioner of the proper path of traditional calligraphy practice. He has great cultivation of regular script, and calligraphy is in high fashion.
View LAN shengguo many works, know that LAN Shengguo in writing the law has both form and spirit of dedication! Its heart is not floating, authentic style, pen into ink, smooth abnormal. In LAN Shengguo's calligraphy, there is the nature of pen and ink, and there is also the benefit of learning and forgetting food. If you want to make the spiritual expression of calligraphy lines, there is a flying feng God posture to be wonderful, not book character. Therefore, by watching his calligraphy, we can know that it is an essential practice for a calligrapher to grow up and eventually gain strength. Both are indispensable. LAN Shengguo's calligraphy practice, just like Tian Yunzhang, a calligrapher with profound skill in regular script, is a persistent practitioner of the proper path of traditional calligraphy practice. He has great cultivation of regular script, and calligraphy is in high fashion.