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2019-03-21 16:37 来源: 网络整理
这是一场轰轰烈烈的反对审美歧视的抗议运动。 近日,今日新闻, 广州地铁安检人员要求化哥特妆的乘客原地卸妆,遭到网友炮轰后,地铁方致歉。 然而网友并不买账,发起了#为广...



  然而网友并不买账,发起了#为广州地铁发自拍# 的运动,越来越多网友晒出自己五花八门、不走寻常路的装扮自 拍 ,以此呼吁社会包容更加多元的审美。


  图 via 新浪微博


  图 via Global Times

  Imagine a protest that requires people to wear heavy makeup and take pictures at subway station. Many netizens did so to prevent beauty discrimination, after a girl using dark eye shadow and lipstick was asked to take off her makeup at a Guangzhou subway security check.


  The movement started after a young woman with the username EIGA-Ziwoxinzhong in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province said on Sina Weibo on March 10 thatshe was asked to take off her makeup at the subway security check . Security check officers allegedly told her that themakeup featuring dark eye shadow and lipstick was "too scary" and "not fit" to use in a subway , she said.

  这场网上抗议活动于前几天开始。一位网名为“EIGA-自我心中”的广州女子在3月10日发了条微博控诉广州地铁安检人员要求她当场卸妆 。理由竟是因为她化着紫色大面积眼影,涂着暗深色口红,安检人员认为她的妆“有问题,太恐怖” 。

  The incident sparked controversy, and a campaign was launched to express discontent with the Guangzhou subway's behavior.



  图 via 新浪微博

  Many deliberately put on heavy makeup and showed up at the subway station, and took selfies . Those not in Guangzhou posted selfies using colorful makeup dressed in cosplay outfits.

  许多网友特意化着大浓妆闪现地铁站 自拍 。那些坐标非广州的网友们也是很积极,他们把自己化着花花绿绿的妆容和穿着奇装异服的自拍发上网,以此声援这场轰轰烈烈的运动。


  图 via 新浪微博

  The topic hashtaged "posting selfies for Guangzhou subway" hasattracted 6.27 million views as of press time .

  #为广州地铁发自拍#的话题截稿前也吸引了627万阅读量 ,牛!

  Stunned by the online accusations, Guangzhou Metro apologized. It said they had suspended the involved official's work and retrained the person in charge that day, and warned the related department not to let similar incidents happen again, Pear Video reported.

  眼看网络上的抨击不断,压力山大的广州地铁道歉了。 “经调查,的确存在当事安检人员处置不当的问题。目前安检单位已对当事安检人员进行处理,对当班班长停岗培训。”“衷心感谢广大乘客和网友的监督批评,将闻过即改,虚心接受,努力改进提升,共同创造安全文明和谐的地铁环境。”


  Some netizens agreed with the officers that the appearance might cause safety risks.


  Those who support the campaign claimed thatthere's no law or regulation banning such behavior.



  图 via 新浪微博

  A netizen, "Likoushi," who joined the campaign, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the narrow fixed beauty standard and little tolerance for diversity in public leads to unpleasant incidents.

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