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【国以才立 业以才兴】首届国际书画展——姚伯齐

2021-04-27 10:25作者:存存

姚伯齐字秦升,一字清悦,号荆南山人,1940年生于西安,成长于河南南阳,工作于祖籍湖北监利县文化系统,1998 年入郑州画院。现任中国书画研究院副院长,郑州大学客座教授。著有《中国当代名家画集——姚伯齐》、《中国近现代名家画集——姚伯齐》等。2013年6月1日由中国国家画院、湖北省文联、湖北省文化厅、监利县人民政府联合主办的(永远的三峡——姚伯齐焦墨山水画展)在中国国家画院美术馆开幕。此展被中国美术家协会中国美术2013大事记记载。姚伯齐先生毕生致力于中国山水画的研究创新,在焦墨、泼彩画领域开创出了新的中国画表现形式,同时,他以独特的“树皮皴”建构了极其鲜明的艺术语言和姚氏图式,确立了自己的学术地位。

Yao Boqi was born in Xi 'an in 1940, grew up in Nanyang, Henan Province, worked in the cultural system of Jianli County, Hubei Province, and entered Zhengzhou Painting Academy in 1998. He is currently the vice president of China Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute and a visiting professor at Zhengzhou University. He is the author of Contemporary Chinese Famous Paintings-Yao Boqi, Modern Chinese Famous Paintings-Yao Boqi, etc. On June 1, 2013, (Forever Three Gorges-Yao Boqi Jiao Mo Landscape Painting Exhibition), jointly sponsored by China National Academy of Painting, Hubei Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Jianli County People's Government, opened at the Art Museum of China National Academy of Painting. This exhibition was recorded by the Memorabilia of Chinese Art 2013 of Chinese Artists Association. Mr. Yao Boqi devoted his whole life to the research and innovation of Chinese landscape painting, and created a new expression form of Chinese painting in the fields of Jiao Mo and splash painting. At the same time, he established his academic status by constructing extremely distinctive artistic language and Yao's schema with his unique "bark".

峡口 2.5mX5m


Forever Three Gorges: Yao Boqi Jiao Mo Landscape Painting Exhibition

前言 foreword

品读伯齐先生的作品,总能感受到一股浑朴、強烈的生命元气,尤以其焦墨作品直接、強烈。枯焦的墨色、苍劲的用笔,在疏密的点线编织中,用深刻的哲理支撑起画面有机统一的效果, 令人在单纯中领略到丰富的意蕴。焦墨山水在伯齐先生的笔下是自然生命与艺术创造的综合性表现,金石般的笔墨语言,表现了万象的巍峨雄浑,书写出“天地有大美”的境界。伯齐先生用一种苍老、自由的焦墨阵线达到了既雄浑而又润泽的效果。穿插在群山众水间的细小事物亦功力到位,未见苟且,使观者既可见气势雄姿,又可见细节内容;既见山峦刻印的肌理,又见连绵苍秀的山脉。

Reading Mr. Bozi's works, you can always feel a simple and strong vitality, especially his Jiao Mo works are direct and strong. The scorched ink and vigorous pen, in the dense dotted line weaving, support the organic unification effect of the picture with profound philosophy, which makes people appreciate the rich implication in simplicity. The landscape of Jiao Mo is a comprehensive expression of natural life and artistic creation in Mr. Bozi's works. The stone-like pen and ink language shows the grandeur and grandeur of Vientiane and writes the realm of "there is great beauty in heaven and earth". With an old and free Jiao Mo front, Mr. Bozi achieved vigorous and moist results. The small things interspersed among the mountains and waters are also in place, so that the viewer can see both the imposing posture and the details; See not only the texture engraved by the mountains, but also the mountains that are continuous and beautiful.

高山流水 1.8mX96m


If Jiao Mo's landscape shows the "bone" of mountains and rivers, the splash-colored landscape shows the "shadow" of mountains and rivers, which has changed from close view to distant view, from magnificent to beautiful, from magnificent to blurred. The former stands on the wall and shocks the soul, creating an exciting sense of sublimity; The latter is beautiful and dreamlike, expressing the nostalgia of sadness and happiness. Jiao Mo and Po Cai played different roles, played their respective strengths, and achieved the unity of form and spirit.

黄山华景 2.5mX1.25m


Mr. Bozi has devoted himself to the exploration of Chinese landscape painting for decades, always insisting on research and innovation, and finally creating a new form of Chinese painting. He used sincere and persistent ideals to explore and express the language of "the beauty of heaven and earth", which added new elements to art history and brought many beneficial inspirations to the changing Chinese painting circles.

峡江雪 2.5mX1.25m



黄牛峡.黄陵庙 四尺宣



峡江千里驾轻舟 四尺宣


月夜神女峰 六尺宣

雨冼张飞庙 四尺宣

妙处元在烟云中 四尺宣

宁河风光冠巴蜀 四尺宣

峡江雪姿 四尺宣


