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2020-12-29 17:25作者:存存

陈炳章,字文圃,1935 年出生于浙江瑞安,曾任职于上海市政府外事办公室,上海中医药大学,副教授。中国书法家协会会员,2017 年由中文联,中书协,中美协授予《国家特级书法师》称号,共和国杰出艺术家。

Chen Bingzhang, born in Ruian, Zhejiang Province in 1935, once worked in the Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal Government and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an associate professor. Member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, awarded the title of "National Special Calligraphy Master" by Chinese Federation, Chinese Calligraphy Association and Chinese American Association in 2017,Outstanding artist of the republic.


2009 年 10 月,国家文化部艺术人才中心编辑的“中国书法十大名家” 中名列欧阳中石、李铎、沈鹏之后位居第四 ; 并获评“2005 中国书画年度人物”、“人民艺术家”、“国学功勋艺术家”、以及上海市收藏协会授予“2007 上海极具收藏潜力当代书画家”的荣誉称号。曾参加中国作家世纪论坛,获“优秀作家”称号。09 年 12 月书法作品入编“新中国国礼艺术大师”( 沈国放主编,前外交部 领导题词,世界知识出版社出版,作品将被推荐为国礼使用。2007 年 9 月 18 日在全 国政协礼堂颁发了(2007 中国艺术年度人物),(共和国杰出艺术家)奖牌,并与全国人大布赫,全国政协孙孚凌会见,合影。

In October 2009, the "Top Ten Famous Chinese Calligraphy Masters" edited by the Art Talent Center of the Ministry of Culture ranked fourth after Ouyang Zhongshi, Li Duo and Shen Peng; He was also awarded the honorary title of "2005 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Person of the Year", "People's Artist", "National Studies Meritorious Artist" and "2007 Shanghai Contemporary Painter with Great Collection Potential" awarded by Shanghai Collection Association. He has participated in the Century Forum of Chinese Writers and won the title of "Excellent Writer". In December, 2009, calligraphy works were compiled into "Master of National Rites in New China" (edited by Shen Guofang, inscription by former leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, published by World Knowledge Publishing House, and the works will be recommended for national ceremonies. On September 18, 2007, he presented the medals of (2007 Chinese Art Person of the Year) and (Outstanding Artist of the Republic) in the auditorium of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and met with Dabuhe, a national citizen, and Sun Fuling, a member of the CPPCC National Committee.


现为:中国书画研究院研究员 ; 中国国学研究会研究员 ; 北京中国书画研究院名誉院 长高级研究员 ; 中国诗词学会会员 ; 世界华人艺术家协会理事 ; 中国收藏研究院高级书画师、理事 ; 中国书画名家名作编辑委员会副主任委员 ; 曾参加“中华书画名家作品全国城市巡回展”、“中国国际艺术博会”、“第 28 届世界遗产大会国际书画大赛展”( 获金奖 )、 “世界华人艺术精品大展”( 北京、香港、首尔,获国际银奖 )、“中国实力派书画艺术名家赴韩国书画展”。

Now: researcher of China Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute; Researcher of China National Studies Research Association; Senior Research Fellow, Honorary Dean of Beijing Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute; Member of Chinese Poetry Society; Director of the World Chinese Artists Association; Senior painter and director of China Collection Research Institute; Vice Chairman of the Editorial Committee of Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Works; He has participated in the "National Tour Exhibition of Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Works", "China International Art Expo", "International Painting and Calligraphy Competition Exhibition of the 28th World Heritage Conference" (won gold medal), "World Chinese Art Exhibition" (Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul, won international silver prize), "Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists in Korea".


他的书法作品发表于《艺术与财富》、《艺术名家》、《中国收藏》、香港《大公报》、 《国际商报》、《中国企业报》 、《中外画刊》、《艺术名人坊》、《印象中国》等报刊 ; 并编入《中国书法十大名家》、《新中国国礼艺术大师》、《中华文化大使》、《中国现 代书法大系》、《中国书画名家传世大辞典》、《中国书画名家名作》、《艺术影响力》、 《人一生要知道的中国艺术家》等大型典籍,还有书法精品入编涵盖中华五千年书法史集历代书法名家作品之大成的《中国书法全集》。他的诗词作品辑入《中国当代诗词艺术家 大辞典》、《类编中华诗词大系》、《全球诗坛精英榜》等典籍。其作品由联合国文化总署,中美邮报社,上海世博会,上海市收藏协会,上海中医药博物馆,极地船“雪龙号”, ( 世界华人企业家协会主席余顺标 ),锦江国际集团总裁贾志勇等众多海内外机构和个人所收藏。

His calligraphy works have been published in Art and Fortune, Famous Artists, Chinese Collection, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, International Business Daily, China Enterprise News, Chinese and Foreign Pictorial, Art Hall of Fame, Impression of China and other newspapers. It is also included in the "Top Ten Famous Chinese Calligraphy Masters", "New China National Ceremony Art Masters", "Chinese Culture Ambassador", "Chinese Modern Calligraphy Department", "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters Dictionary", "Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masterpieces", "Art Influence", "Chinese Artists to Know in One's Life" and other large-scale classics, as well as calligraphy boutiques covering the 5,000-year calligraphy history of China. His poetry works are included in the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Poetry Artists, The Series of Chinese Poetry, and the Global Poetry Elite List. His works are collected by many institutions and individuals at home and abroad, such as the United Nations General Administration of Culture, China-US Post Office, Shanghai World Expo, Shanghai Collection Association, shanghai museum of tcm, the polar ship "Snow Dragon", (Yu Shunbiao, President of the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Association), and Jia Zhiyong, President of Jinjiang International Group.


2013 年在“两岸情,心连心中华两岸书画艺术交流展”上作品《云天携手共兴邦》由 中国台湾国民党副主席蒋孝严先生收藏。2014 年,2016 年参加庆祝中美建交 35 周年,37 周年中美书画收藏精品洛杉矶展。 2016 年八达岭新长城邀请陈炳章题“龙腾东方”加书法作品“云天携手共兴邦”一起 镌刻在八达岭的大理石板上永久展示,永载史册,並颁发了“中国长城文化奖”,“中国新长城杰出艺术家”奖牌 。

In 2013, at the Cross-Strait Love, Heart-to-Heart Chinese Cross-Strait Painting and Calligraphy Art Exchange Exhibition, the work "Yuntian Hand in Hand to Prosper the Nation" was collected by Mr. Jiang Xiaoyan, Vice Chairman of Taiwan Kuomintang. In 2014 and 2016, he participated in the Los Angeles exhibition celebrating the 35th and 37th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. In 2016, the Badaling New Great Wall invited Chen Bingzhang's title "Longteng Oriental" and calligraphy work "Yuntian Hand in Hand to Prosper the Country" to be engraved on the marble board of Badaling for permanent display, which will be recorded in history forever, and awarded the "Great Wall Culture Award of China" and the "Outstanding Artist of the New Great Wall of China" medal.


《澳门回归》等四首诗词参加庆祝澳门回归祖国 15 周年,全球华人诗书画名家邀请赛, 获“金莲花艺术奖,诗文类创作金奖”玉牌。2015 年参加“关心成长杯”关爱留守儿童 书画名家作品展活动中有杰出奉献获《爱心艺术家》光荣称号。在纪念中国人民抗日战争胜利 70 周年活动中获”中华红色经典文艺创作贡献金奖”,“爱国为民模范文艺家”荣誉 称号。2016 年获“一带一路世界文化贡献人物”称号。 2017 年 10 月在“畅想金絲路——首届中欧国际文化艺术邀请展上”《观黄果树瀑布》,《岱顶漫兴》,《习近平用典》三幅作品获金奖并被授予“中欧国际文化艺术交流大使” 荣誉称号。2019年度3月获得了全国两会推荐为“人民艺术家”称号荣誉证书,同时中国文联也颁发了《德艺双馨艺术家》荣誉证书。中国书法家协会授予“中国书法艺术楷模”称号。庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年获《建国文艺大师》称号,《建国文艺大师杰出贡献奖》奖杯两座。2019年11月授予“世界华人楷模”荣誉称号,2020年获得了(最具创作力的书画名家)荣誉证书。

Four poems such as "Macao Return" participated in the 15th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland, and won the "Golden Lotus Art Award, Gold Award for Poetry Creation" in the Global Invitational Tournament for Famous Chinese Poetry and Painting Masters. In 2015, he participated in the "Caring for Growth Cup" exhibition of famous paintings and calligraphy works caring for left-behind children and won the glorious title of "Caring Artist". In the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he won the honorary title of "Gold Award for Contribution to Chinese Red Classic Literary Creation" and "Model Literary Artist Who Patriotic for the People". In 2016, he was awarded the title of "the belt and road initiative World Cultural Contributor". In October 2017, three works, "Viewing Huangguoshu Waterfall", "Daiding Manxing" and "Xi Jinping's Canon", won gold medals and were awarded the honorary title of "Ambassador of China-Europe International Cultural and Art Exchange". In March, 2019, he won the honorary certificate of "People's Artist" recommended by the National People's Congress, and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles also awarded the honorary certificate of "Artist with both German and Art". Chinese Calligraphers Association awarded the title of "Model of Chinese Calligraphy Art". Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, he won the title of "Founding Master of Literature and Art" and two trophies of "Outstanding Contribution Award of Founding Master of Literature and Art",In 2020, he won the honorary certificate of (the most creative painting and calligraphy master).













